DWM Startup Utility Version 1 (June 1994) Author: Brian M. Fell DESCRIPTION: This program was written in order to simplify the process of periodically executing programs used to maintain a computer's hard disk drive(s). The program works by reading in the date from the system clock and executing one of three DOS batch files (see below) based on that date. For instance, if the date is the 28th then the monthly.bat file would be executed, if the date is the 7th, 14th, or 21st then the weekly.bat file would be executed, the daily.bat file would be executed otherwise. I have outlined below the specifics of how to use this program and some guidance for those who have never dealt with .bat files. HOW TO USE THIS PROGRAM: Edit each of the .bat files and put in the path and filename of all of the programs that you wish to have executed on a daily, weekly, and/or monthly basis (see below). Then, in your autoexec.bat file put the path to the directory in which the files (startup.exe, etc.) have been placed. I suggest creating a directory called startup or just put them in your DOS directory. Finally, in your autoexec.bat file put the command STARTUP.EXE after the path statement and before any TSRs (programs that remain in memory while other programs are running) that may conflict with the execution of any of the executables that are to be called by the 3 batch files (for instance Microsoft's Fastopen will interfere with the execution of a defragmentation program such as Microsoft's Defrag). The next time you boot up your computer the program will execute. BASIC DOS BATCH FILE PROGRAMMING: If you are unfamiliar with .bat files and the example and explanation given below does nothing for you, please consult your DOS manual or type 'help batch' at the C:> prompt. >> Edit the batch file with a text editor or word processor capable of saving >> in DOS text mode. The following is an example of a typical command to be executed in a batch file: C:\EXAMPLE\RUN.EXE ^^^^^^^ The name of the program you wish to have run. ^^^^^^^^^^ The drive and directory in which the executable file you wish to include resides. Note: An empty batch file will have no effect on the execution of the program, so if you don't want to specify anything to run on say a weekly basis, don't worry about it. * I have included my daily.bat file, with notes, for your inspection COST OF THIS PROGRAM: This program is shareware and a fee of $4.00 is requested if you wish to use it. Your one time registration fee will put you on the mailing list announcing future updates of this program as well as the satisfaction of knowing that you are keeping the concept of shareware alive. Please print out and complete the form contained in the file "register.me" and send it in with your registration fee as soon as possible. PROGRAM SUGGESTIONS: There are plenty of programs availible that could be used to maintain your computer if it is used frequently, obviously this is not a complete listing. Note: The execution of all of the programs listed below can be modified through the use of switches (commands that come after the executable file such as: defrag /f would execute MS-Defrag and would defragment all files by using the /f switch). IN THE DAILY.BAT FILE: * an anti-virus program such as Fridrik Skulason's F-Prot in order to do a daily scan of your hard disk, a scan of just executable files would be sufficient on a daily basis for most computers. IN THE WEEKLY.BAT FILE: * an anti-virus program scanning all files for a computer which sees a lot of floppy disks on a weekly basis. * a hard drive defragmenter such as Microsoft Defrag which will ease the process of reading and writing to files on your hard disk by putting individual files in a continuous chain, instead of having them fragmented (spread unlinked throughout your hard disk). IN THE MONTHLY.BAT FILE: * an anti-virus executing a full scan of the hard disk. * a defragmentation program * a program such as Microsoft Scandisk which will check your hard disk for potential problem and fix them. * a simple set of copy comands that will backup your autoexec.bat, config.sys, win.ini, and other files (PKZIP could also be used for this). If you have any further questions or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact me at the E-mail address mentioned below. Thanks, Brian M. Fell Microsoft Defrag, Scandisk, and Fastopen are trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. F-Prot is a trademark of Frisk Software International and is availible throught the SimTel Software Repository. PKZIP is a trademark of PKWARE, Inc.